
Real Stories. Real Transformations.

“I can’t remember the last time I felt this good. My stress level is way down, I’m thinking more clearly, I’m not hungry, and I have lost inches of belly fat. Even the discomfort in my back is going away! Thank you!” 

“I live in a region known for poor air quality, which can play havoc on anyone who suffers from yearly sinus issues… Since using NANO SOMA®, I’ve noticed that my lungs are clearing respiratory irritants better than ever before!”

“Last evening, I ate street food. That night, I woke up with severe abdominal discomfort that was even making me sweat. I could not stop it. Then, I took five sprays of NANO SOMA®. In just a few minutes, that excruciating experience began to fade. Thirty minutes later, I took five more sprays and felt significantly better. I then fell asleep soundly.”

“With NANO SOMA®, I’m getting pieces of my life back that I had no idea were missing or lacking. The past three years were full of challenges, with three major knee surgeries and learning how to walk again. I’m turning the corner…I see it. I feel it. I’m grateful for it. Thank you for being a part of this transformation.”

“I love NANO SOMA®. My teenage son has bad acne, and with one bottle – which he hasn’t even finished – his face is almost completely clear. He looks so good!”

“With NANO SOMA®, my energy levels have increased remarkably. I am doing arduous work and am quite tirelessly more active and stronger. I am amazed. My arthritic right hand is not giving me difficulty anymore.”

“NANO SOMA® is the go-to immune defense in my home. With my family constantly on the go and working in healthcare, I’m exposed to many things. NANO SOMA keeps me going and helps me fight those colds, flus, or just not feeling well. I take it with me everywhere. We love this product. It’s a staple in our home.”

“I have lost weight using NANO SOMA®; I was 135 lbs. and am now about 120 lbs. I am more agile, and I will soon reach 70! I can get up off of the floor now with ease. People say I am looking younger. I will continue to use NANO SOMA because it is helping me stay younger.”

“I am a faithful user of NANO SOMA®, and I’m very pleased with what it has done to improve my ability to think and use my brain easily. My thoughts and ideas are now being recalled with very little effort. I’m spreading the word!”

“I have been using NANO SOMA® for almost three months. I now no longer need reading glasses, and people are commenting on my ‘renewed’ appearance. Highly recommended.”

“The METASOMER® Telomerase Natural Skin Cream has made my skin feel softer, firmer, and more youthful.”

“I give my dog a couple of sprays on her food twice a day, and I can almost see my face in her coat it’s so shiny!”

“I have been using the METASOMER® Telomerase Natural Skin Cream on my face for some time. I love the smell and texture – it is so smooth. My skin feels soft and happy.”

“After a few months of being on NANO SOMA®, I was very pleased to discover that my right knee, which had been giving me problems with discomfort, tightness, and scarring for a few years, suddenly loosened up and got better!”

“I have to say, one of the BEST things since taking NANO SOMA® is the regularity of my bowels. I have had a mild form of constipation my whole life. NO MORE!”

“My experience with my dogs has been unbelievably remarkable…When a dog suffers, often their people suffer right alongside them! But, with a product like this, there is no longer the need for products which injure animals’ livers and which can cause devastating side effects.”

“I’ve been using the METASOMER® Topical Gel for a few weeks now, and the appearance of my age spots seems to be decreasing. I got rid of a mole in a few days using the METASOMER Topical Gel. I’m 72 and am in excellent health.”

“I am 70 years old and have been using NANO SOMA® for about two years now. I wouldn’t go a day without it.”

“This product is amazing. My hair is growing darker, and my vision has changed from 20/30 to 20/20. I feel better and more energetic.”

“I used to have a lot of floaters in my eyes. After three or four months of using NANO SOMA®, these went away. I only sprayed it in my eyes about four times; the rest of the time I ingested it orally, taking five sprays daily.”

“My clarity and ability to think through complicated issues as well as my focus enhanced past what I thought was possible and it lasts all day – no slump. Coffee will not achieve these levels of focus or clarity.”

“I am absolutely loving NANO SOMA®! I have more energy and focus and have only used it for three or four weeks! The results are noticeable. I can sense my demeanor shifting the moment I spray it into my mouth!”

“I have noticed a huge difference in taking five sprays of NANO SOMA® for just over two months. I no longer suffer from bad mood swings associated with perimenopause. To feel normal again and balanced within myself is the best feeling.”

“My first day of taking NANO SOMA®, I noticed that I had so much energy. It was like I was in my early 20s again! I have now been taking it for one month and I cannot be more pleased with this product. I tell everyone I can about it. It is a miracle product.”

“I have been using five sprays of NANO SOMA® on my teeth and swishing it around my mouth before swallowing. It seems to keep my teeth cleaner with very little plaque building up. Before doing this, I would go for teeth cleaning every six months. Now it has been several years since I’ve felt the need to get them cleaned.”

“I am really loving NANO SOMA®! I use five sprays daily in the morning for help maintaining an overall healthy body. However, recently, I developed an eye issue in an oil gland. After seeing my eye doctor, he stated that it would take one to two months before this would be resolved. I started using NANO SOMA three times a day, and within only two weeks, the oil gland is almost completely back to normal! I am in awe of this product!”

“I am very grateful for the METASOMER® Topical Gel. I came home from a river trip with a terrible sunburn. Though it didn’t feel bad, when I looked in the mirror, I was shocked! My face was bright red and swollen! I started with the gel right away. I used it every 15 minutes for the first couple of hours. Then, I used it about every hour throughout the night. By morning, I was relieved to see that the burn had faded to a mild-looking sunburn… I was certainly saved by the METASOMER Topical Gel that first night.”

“At 4am today, I made coffee with boiling water and scalded my wrist and arm. It was instantly red and very sore and tender. I applied a small amount of the METASOMER® Topical Gel to the scald. It stung on contact but almost instantly soothed it. About twenty minutes later, I applied more METASOMER Topical Gel before going to bed. A couple of hours later, and my skin is completely soothed.”

“I have been using NANO SOMA® for about three months now. Lately, as crazy as it may sound, I have been noticing more instruments in the music I listen to. I hear little background chimes that I never noticed before. My hearing has always been good, but it just seems better. Also, my sinuses have never been better.”

“I’ve been using NANO SOMA® daily for over one year now. Even though I’ve always played sports, exercised, ate mostly nutritious foods, and stayed healthy over the years, I believe these daily sprays in the morning have led me to an amazing state of wonderful health! I look forward to sharing this magical tool worldwide in the near future. Keep up the good work for we will support you in whatever way we can.”
P.S. I turned 64 this week and I am constantly told, “You do not look 64!!”

“Within a few days of taking NANO SOMA®, I noticed that I felt more energetic, my skin looked better and my eyes were brighter. Encouraged, I continued to use NANO SOMA and found that my energy levels were on the rise. My fitness and exercise program was starting to show improvement and I felt like I had the strength to complete bigger workouts. More importantly, my lungs felt great!

I have been using NANO SOMA daily and I have started to notice more benefits. My nails are growing fast and I find myself having to trim them about every seven or eight days. My hair is growing fast, too. I find myself needing a haircut sooner. I am getting better sleep as well. I almost feel like everything is getting stronger and more efficient.”

“I have been taking NANO SOMA® for ten months. The first change I noticed was being able to do things above my head, such as putting clothes away on a high rack, without tiring. Now, I don’t get the backaches. I have been able to do miles of hoeing on our property, which I would have never been able to do before NANO SOMA.

I had a checkup for new glasses at the optician, and the optician described my eyes as having improved two and a half steps. I think it must be more, as I picked up the glasses yesterday – one month after the check up – and the new ones are way too strong. So, I’ll have to go back again and get rechecked. I haven’t been able to wear my former prescription glasses for some time, but I pulled out a pair of glasses from some years back, and they are fine.”

“My body has overreacted to the sun for many years. This has been a very annoying and itchy health matter for me. As you can see, I have been taking NANO SOMA® for several years. The good news is that this situation has completely disappeared, which is great. With NANO SOMA, I believe I am giving my cells and immune system the best support.”

“My husband and I have been using NANO SOMA® for two years now. We did the initial Start-Up Protocol and have taken five sprays once daily since. During this time, we haven’t been ill in any way – not even a cold. We are well into our senior years, and for the most part, we feel great. I think NANO SOMA has played a big part in our wellbeing.”

“I’ve noticed that my little pug is more energetic after a few weeks on NANO SOMA®.”

“I have been using the METASOMER® Topical Gel on the eczema on my fingers. I only used it for two days and the skin there totally recovered!”

“Shortly after my 79th birthday, I discovered a large skin tag that had suddenly appeared on the back of my neck. Eventually, I figured out what I had done to cause it, and I stopped doing that action. Meanwhile, I applied the METASOMER® Telomerase Natural Skin Cream to the skin tag twice. It felt to me like it had disappeared, and I had a friend confirm it for me. We were both amazed at how quickly it had worked. That was over three months ago and it hasn’t returned.”

“I have been using NANO SOMA® for several years now and have been keeping quite healthy for being 70. I use five sprays each morning, and if I feel under the weather, I will increase that to twice daily, which seems to keep things away. I have even had my son and daughter use this product, which has been very helpful for them when they catch their colds and flus.”

Sean’s NANO SOMA® Testimonial

The importance of taking NANO SOMA® daily

Sean’s NANO SOMA® Testimonial

The importance of taking NANO SOMA® daily


Taking NANO SOMA ® every day, as Sean does, is crucial even if you are already in good health or have achieved your health goals. Watch this video to hear Sean explain why.


Joanne’s NANO SOMA® Transformation

A Journey to Health

Here, Joanne describes the profound support she experienced from NANO SOMA® in reclaiming her health after years of imbalance and physical challenges. Her story shows us all what’s possible with consistent use of these Metadichol®-based products.


*This statement has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate, or cure such condition(s). If you have any illness or medical condition, consult your healthcare provider.

Testimonials, statements, and opinions presented on our website are applicable to the individuals depicted. Results will vary and may not be representative of the experience of others. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor.

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