Response to the COVID-19 vaccine effects, graphene oxide and the“protein shedding”

19 June 2023

Please understand that neither I nor any of the companies supplying any of the Metadichol-based products nor the companies’ directors nor shareholders are medical doctors and do not provide medical advice. For medical advice, please consult your medical practitioner. Further, these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Rather, they stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms, which are far more comprehensive than most of us appreciate Please note that this is a living document and will be updated as needed. Please go to and check for an updated version.

A growing number of people are asking how will NANO SOMA® help to remove the effects of the injections (jabs) when people have received them and the effects from the so-called shedding to the uninjected by those who have been injected. Also, the impact of graphene oxide in the jabs has become a concern and there is recent clear evidence of self-assembling nanotechnology in the blood of those jabbed and those not jabbed, arising from the jabs.

Many people have concluded that COVID-19 is a scamdemic or Plandemic –

The documentary DIED SUDDENLY shares what is happening to many people as a result of the jabs.

More and more people are becoming aware of these effects and are looking for a solution.

Can the MagicDichol® products help?
Firstly, please understand that neither I nor any of the companies supplying the MagicDichol products nor the companies’ directors, shareholders nor employees are medical doctors and do not provide medical advice. For medical advice, please consult your medical practitioner. Further, these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure nor prevent any disease.

We all look at the health condition we have as being unique and special, and one that needs specific treatment. More specifically, does something that triggers the body to heal everything that is not representing good health, trigger the body to heal my specific condition? It’s how we’ve been taught to think about our health.

The simple answer is, when the body is prompted by NANO SOMA to activate its natural processes and pathways, the body takes care of itself.

The components of the vaccines and any shedding to/from others do not belong in our bodies, so we can expect that NANO SOMA will prompt our bodies to rid themselves of this contamination.

Is there evidence to support this?
This brief video introduces NANO SOMA and its actions. In the in vitro studies, conducted at the behest of Dr. Palayakotai Raghavan (Raghu) to examine the effectiveness of NANO SOMA in blocking the SARS COV-2 virus from entering the cells, it was shown that the required priming of the spike protein (“SARSCOV-2 uses the receptor ACE2 for entry and the serine protease TMPRSS2 for S protein priming”) to enable the virus to enter the cell was blocked by NANO SOMA: “Metadichol (NANO SOMA) inhibits SARS-COV-2 entry into host cells by inhibiting TMPRSS2. It also boosts Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant which is known to degrade graphene oxide. Glutathione is vital in the regulation of the oxidative stress level to maintain normal cellular functions that are affected by graphene oxide. The oxidative stress in addition is also minimized as NANO SOMA endogenously increases another
powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C.

What about the effects of the mRNA components of the vaccines? Will these be cleared? It has been shown that NANO SOMA promotes processes and biological pathways in our body that mimic the human DNA to within 99%, with further tests currently underway to extend this understanding. This gives the body a template against which to identify all errors in and contamination of our DNA and clear it. Indeed, Raghu considers it is likely that use of NANO SOMA by childbearing women will likely eliminate genetic birth defects.

How about the graphene oxide?
Here is some guidance from Raghu on this: “Biodegradability of graphene and its derivatives like graphene oxide is one of the fundamental parameters determining the fate in vivo of this material. Here, two types of aqueous dispersible graphene, corresponding to single layer (SLG) and few layer graphene (FLG), devoid of either chemical functionalization or stabilizing surfactants, were subjected to biodegradation by human myeloperoxidase (hMPO) mediated catalysis.”

The Pfizer vaccine reportedly contains graphene oxide. NANO SOMA expressed the MPO gene in our in vitro gene expression studies. Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, also degrades graphene oxides, and is also produced by NANO SOMA. This suggests that these nano materials could potentially be removed by your body when you use NANO SOMA.

And blood clotting?

This testimonial demonstrates the clearing of a major blood clot, just as expected from Raghu’s research.

So, there is strong in vitro evidence to support the ability of NANO SOMA to clear direct and indirect effects of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Is there in vivo (in the body) confirmation?
There have been cases of people experiencing skin conditions (rashes, hives) as a result of being vaccinated or coming into contact with the vaccinated. In some cases, these have cleared on beginning to use NANO SOMA, others take a few days to clear.

We now have many testimonials from people using the NANO SOMA Oral Spray to clear the jab effects form their bodies. This document shares some of these.

Suggested usage protocol
If you have been vaccinated, as soon as possible after being vaccinated use 5 sprays in your mouth every 4 hours for 7 days and continue to use it daily thereafter. If you have a known pre-existing health condition, continue to use 5 sprays 4 times/day until the condition is cleared. If you have been in contact with someone who has been jabbed, I recommend applying the same protocol, given the growing shedding evidence.

If you experience a skin reaction to the vaccine or as a result of being in contact with somebody who has been vaccinated, in addition to the above protocol, complement NANO SOMA with the METASOMER Topical Gel by applying this to the affected areas.

Dr. Richard Presser
[email protected]